How Straight and Gay Couples Meet: Statistics [LGBT]

This comprehensive analysis delves into how straight and gay couples meet in the digital age.

Here's a little preview:

  • While 39% of heterosexual couples meet online, only 10% use dating apps
  • Bars and restaurants remain a significant meeting point for gay couples at 19.6%
  • Heterosexual couples generally meet early in adulthood (18-25), while same-sex couples usually meet later (25-35).

Keep reading to learn more!

How Straight & Gay Couples Meet Statistics Thumbnail Datingarmory_com

As always, all graphics are 100% free to share under the CC BY-NC-SA license. 

How Straight Couples Meet


  • Online: 39%
  • Through Friends: 20%
  • Bar/Restaurant: 27%
  • Through/As Coworkers: 11%
  • Through Family: 7%
  • School: 5%
  • College: 4%
  • Church: 4%
  • Through/As Neighbors: 3%

Note: The percentages listed in how straight couples meet are not mutually exclusive. Couples could have met through multiple avenues—online and through friends, for instance. [1]

39% of Straight Couples Meet Online Graphic Datingarmory_com

Key Takeaways:

  1. Digital platforms dominate the dating scene, with 39% of heterosexual couples meeting online.
  2. Social circles, including friends and family, account for a significant portion but are overshadowed by online platforms.
  3. Workplace romance is still a considerable avenue, representing 11%.
  4. Traditional meeting places like churches and schools now constitute less significant percentages.
  5. Leisure spots like bars and restaurants still stand at 27%, suggesting that in-person, casual settings are essential for some.
How Straight Couples Meet datingarmory_com

Of course, things have changed 22 years. 

Here's the same chart comparing how things have changed from 1995 to 2017.

 How Straight Couples Meet 1995 and 2017 Compared datingarmory_com
  • Online: 2% (1995) -> 39% (2017)
  • Through Friends: 33% (1995) -> 20% (2017)
  • Through Family: 15% (1995) -> 7% (2017)
  • Through/As Coworkers: 19% (1995) -> 11% (2017)
  • Bar/Restaurant: 19% (1995) -> 27% (2017)
  • School: 10% (1995) -> 5% (2017)
  • College: 9% (1995) -> 4% (2017)
  • Church: 7% (1995) -> 4% (2017)
  • Through/As Neighbors: 8% (1995) -> 3% (2017) [1]

Key Takeaways

  1. Dramatic Rise in Online: The leap from 2% to 39% signifies the massive influence of digital platforms in the dating scene.
  2. Decline in Social Circles: Meeting through friends and family saw a substantial drop, indicating the decreasing role of social networks in forming relationships.
  3. Workplace Romance Eases: Down from 19% to 11%, perhaps reflecting changing workplace norms and ethics.
  4. Bar/Restaurant Trending: A moderate increase from 19% to 27% reveals the ongoing allure of casual, in-person encounters.
  5. Traditional Avenues Wane: School, college, church, and neighbors have dropped in relevance but aren't entirely out of the picture.

Discover new relationship statistics: 57 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Statistics: Dating, Health & Discrimination

How Gay Couples Meet (LGBT) 


  • Bar/Restaurant: 19.6%
  • Met Online: 18.8%
  • Online Dating/App: 10.1%
  • Private Party: 7.3%
  • College: 5%
  • Customer-Client Relationship: 5%
  • Internet (Non-Dating Sites): 4.6%
  • Volunteering: 4.4%
  • School: 4.2%
  • Public Place: 3.7%
  • Internet Social Network: 2%
  • Other: 15.3% [1]
How Gay Couples Meet datingarmory_com

Key takeaways:

  1. Social Settings Still Relevant: Bars and restaurants remain a significant meeting point for gay couples at 19.6%, indicating that traditional social settings are still substantial.
  2. Digital Connection is Prominent: When adding "Met Online," "Online Dating/App," "Internet," and "Internet Social Network," digital platforms account for around 65% of how gay couples meet (mutually inclusive to other ways of meeting).
  3. Specialized Environments: Private parties, volunteering, and customer-client relationships show that specialized environments contribute notably, at rates ranging from 5% to 7.3%.
  4. Educational Settings: School and college combine for 9.2%, pointing out that educational settings are not to be overlooked.
  5. 'Other' Is a Wild Card: The "Other" category at 15.3% suggests a wide variety of less conventional or less often reported ways gay couples meet, including hobbies, mutual interests, or community events.
65% of Same-Sex Couples Meet Through Online Platforms Graphic datingarmory_com

Click on the thumbnail below to open another post: 

Gay Cheating thumbnail Datingarmory_com

How Straight and Gay Couples Meet on Dating Apps

While 49% of adults using dating apps say they're searching for exclusive romantic relationships, the reality shows a different picture: only 8-13% of straight couples and 24% of lesbian, gay, or bisexual couples meet on dating apps. 

How Straight And Gay Couples Meet On Dating Apps Graphic datingarmory_com
  • While the famous study by Michael J. Rosenfeld, "HCMST 2017," showed that the percentage of couples meeting online shot up to 39% in 2021, as mentioned, that statistic is mutually inclusive, meaning it includes all ways of meeting online, not just dating apps. However, when we exclusively filter for 'meeting through dating apps,' we end up with 10%.
  • While it's true that Pew Research has shown that many straight (28%) and LGB (52%) Americans have used dating apps or sites, they confirm our estimation by reporting that 9% of straight adults and 24% of LGB adults met their match online dating. [2]
  • The Morning Consult showed 10% met through online dating in 2018, rising to 13% in 2021 (although this rise may have to do with Covid-19 as dating apps have been shown to make people feel less lonely). [3]
  • Another study by YouGov in 2021 showed that among 17 countries, the average % who'd met their partners through an app was 8% (Indonesia being highest at 16%, the U.S. in the middle at 8% together with France, Mexico, and Australia) and Hong Kong, the lowest, at 5%). [4]

In terms of the most popular dating apps used to meet their partners: 

  1. Straight Couples: Tinder is the most popular, with 45% of straight online daters saying they have used it, followed by Match (31%), Bumble (28%) and OkCupid (21%). 
  2. LGBT Couples: Tinder is again the most popular dating app, with 51% of LGB dating app users saying they've used it, followed by Grindr (34%), Bumble (24%), Match (16%) and HER (10%). [2]

Age of Meeting Partners

When considering all ways of meeting partners, heterosexual couples generally meet early in adulthood (18-25), while same-sex couples usually meet later (25-35).

When breaking down the ages of all couples meeting exclusively via dating apps:

  • 18-24: 13%
  • 25-34: 16%
  • 35-44: 9%
  • 45-54: 5%
  • 55+: 1% [4]

Key Insights:

  1. Digital Native Influence: The 16% in the 25-34 age group suggests tech comfort and digital maturity.
  2. Life Stage Variety: 13% of 18-24 year-olds may reflect a desire for quick, diverse dating experiences.
  3. Maturity and Caution: A decline of 9% among those aged 35-44 indicates possible caution or life commitments.
  4. Tech Barriers and Stigmas: The drop to 5% and 1% for ages 45-54 and 55+ could result from both technological barriers and social stigmas.
  5. Family Dynamics: The low 1% for 55+ implies less need or comfort with app-based dating, perhaps favoring family and community connections.

Read more online dating statistics: 2023 Statistics: Online Dating Sexual Assault, Violence, & Murders


[1] Rosenfeld, Michael J., Reuben J. Thomas, and Sonia Hausen. 2023. How Couples Meet and Stay Together 2017-2020-2022 combined dataset. [Computer files]. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Libraries.

[2] Atske, Sara. “From Looking for Love to Swiping the Field: Online Dating in the U.S.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 2 Feb. 2023, Accessed 5 Sept. 2023.

[3] Meyers, Alyssa. “Spurred on by COVID-19, Millennials Lead the Way in Destigmatizing Online Dating.” Morning Consult Pro, 11 Feb. 2021, Accessed 5 Sept. 2023.

[4] YouGov. “A Global Look at Who Has Found Love through an App.”, YouGov, 22 Sept. 2021, Accessed 5 Sept. 2023.


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    About the author 

    Coach Colt here, the founder of Dating Armory, your go-to source for no-nonsense, practical relationship advice. I'm a bisexual male in a same-sex open relationship and a researcher in sex, love, and relationships with 7+ years of experience. I specialize in helping both men and women navigate the crazy world of dating.

    Don't miss my other guides packed with practical dating advice (no bullshit repeated Platitudes) and tons of real life examples:

    2024 Survey: How Christian Couples Meet Statistics

    The Age Gap in Christian Relationships: Statistics & Scripture

    Autism Statistics Friendships, Dating, Sex, Marriage [& Related Disorders]

    23 BPD Dating Tips [& Relationship Advice]
